Equipment Details
Upload a spreadsheet or other files with details about your equipment
(Allowed Filetypes: jpg, gif, png, tif, tiff, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx)

Enter the address where the equipment is physically located

On-site point of contact
Donation Requirements
Tell us about your company's requirements for this donation and your facility
Will a Certificate of Insurance be required by any organizations attempting pickup from your location?
Data wiping is the process of permanently deleting all information from storage media included in your equipment.
Indicate whether your equipment is already shrink-wrapped on pallets and/or boxed for pickup.
If you were referred, by whom?

Man in warehouse standing at desk

Your donation can empower a prosperous Central Ohio

Before you begin...

In order to fill out the corporate donor form on this page, you’ll need the following:

  1. Inventory spreadsheet/s detailing the equipment you’ll be donating
  2. Contact information for donation point of contact
  3. Address where the equipment is located